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Re: Cats freezes/stops working when creating candidate

 by manuel ¦  11 Apr 2015, 21:39 ¦  Forum: Cries for Help! ¦  Topic: (SOLVED) Cats freezes/stops working when creating candidate ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 9616

"Houston we have a problem" I'm working with a hosted version on Linux so al lot of things I can't (don't want to) control. I receive the following error Query Error -- Report to System Administrator ASAP MySQL Query Failed: MySQL server has gone away SELECT * FROM system WHERE system_id =...

Re: Antiword and others installation

 by manuel ¦  22 Mar 2015, 22:36 ¦  Forum: Cries for Help! ¦  Topic: Antiword and others installation ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 6778

In the meantime someone developped CandidATS that parsers the files on a shared host. Copying the right files makes it doing his job also on OpenCats. :D

Re: Enable Candidate Registration & Profile

 by manuel ¦  22 Mar 2015, 17:30 ¦  Forum: Cries for Help! ¦  Topic: Enable Candidate Registration & Profile ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 3337

1. A candidate can register, use and adjust his profile to apply to new jobs. You can switch this feature on or off in the OpenCats Application Settings But .... the security is poor. You only need a email adres, last name and zipcode to login. Information thats easy to get for the bad guys. The sta...

Re: Datagrid Default Column

 by manuel ¦  10 Mar 2015, 21:48 ¦  Forum: Cries for Help! ¦  Topic: Datagrid Default Column ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 3128


When I try this on my test site the things do change.

When I delete: "array('name' => 'City', 'width' => 75)," it's gone when I reset to the standard colums.
When I change the "with" it actually changes.

Are you sure you uploaded your edited file before testing.

Re: Opencats on webserver

 by manuel ¦  02 Feb 2015, 22:20 ¦  Forum: User Customisations - share 'em here! ¦  Topic: Opencats on webserver ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 13010

A normal installation for step one should look like this, including the error. For some reason the install procedure stops when seeking / testing for soap. It seems that you don't even get to step2, the database connection. I'm sorry I don't have a s...

Re: Antiword and others installation

 by manuel ¦  02 Feb 2015, 13:49 ¦  Forum: Cries for Help! ¦  Topic: Antiword and others installation ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 6778

I'm also using a shared host but I don't see it as a problem.
Why don't you convert the cv's to textfiles by hand and add the files to your candidate
Or do you get that many cv's on a day? Fortunately .... I don't ;)

Re: Error on the Login Page after a new install

 by manuel ¦  24 Jan 2015, 21:55 ¦  Forum: Cries for Help! ¦  Topic: Error on the Login Page after a new install ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 3382

As far as I know you can't. :-) but they don't harm you. A lot have been written about those errors. Type "deprecated" in the search field. By the way: at my test "server" using XAMPP I have the same errors but my production site (hosted) has no errors at all. Probably some setti...

Open new window when clicking Website in Companies Tab

 by manuel ¦  11 Jan 2015, 21:57 ¦  Forum: OpenCATS Talk ¦  Topic: Open new window when clicking Website in Companies Tab ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 3164

When you click on the website in the Companies Tab it will open in your Opencats Session instead of a new window. At the Company Details this doesn't happen. A small adjustment of line 843 at lib/companies.php solves this problem. Just insert target="_blank at the right spot 'pagerRender' => 'r...

Re: Careers Template Edit Error **Please Help!

 by manuel ¦  03 Jan 2015, 15:47 ¦  Forum: Cries for Help! ¦  Topic: Careers Template Edit Error **Please Help! ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 4109

When you Google on this kind of error in common you'll find some sollutions editing the .htaccess file. In mine opinion your provider should help you out.

I've been fooled. It's only a problem in IE11. Sorry!!!!! When you are at tab: Companies: Edit Company you see that the field on the right side are showed to low. Adding a small line will "solve" this problem. Edit the file: Modules/companies/Edit.tpl Insert at row 173: <?php /* These emp...

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PHP version

PHP is a versatile and widely-used server-side s[…]

Searching candidates through API

Have you set up the correct job classification? So[…]

eggy car Actually, the problem should have[…]

Upgrading CATS 0.8 to 0.9.1

nice work. بادل