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Correct file permissions for self-hosted linux installation
by webinc -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by webinc
Using Custom Fields in Email Templates ...?
by webinc -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by webinc
Joborder Status Edit
by CatDev -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by CatDev
Sending mail to recruiters
by shreya -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by shreya
Hiding "populate fields ->" button from applicants
by ChocolateMoose -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by ChocolateMoose
Change Date Format
by gi2lang -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by gi2lang
Resume Tools addon
by pgrooms -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by pgrooms
ACL Feature
by joseayram -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by joseayram
SEO Help for Opencats
by mytym2shn75 -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by mytym2shn75
Backup/Restore/Upgrade added to documentation (currently inc
by cptr13 -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by cptr13
OpenCATS 0.9.4 released
by RussH -   - in: OpenCATS Talk
0 Replies
by RussH
0.9.4 released
by RussH -   - in: OpenCATS Talk
0 Replies
by RussH
Windows install walkthrough video is on Youtube.
by cptr13 -   - in: OpenCATS Talk
0 Replies
by cptr13
Install Problem: No tables found in database
by GeorgWinter -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by GeorgWinter
bulk import for docx
by cruz -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by cruz
mass import error
by cruz -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by cruz
Query Error -- Report to System Administrator ASAP
by HFreeman -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by HFreeman
Timezone issue in opencats
by suresh -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by suresh
Couldn't upload attachment ! help !!
by lai -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by lai
Opencats customization
by engrhernandez -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by engrhernandez
Strict Standards Errors
by abc123 -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by abc123
OPENCATS on Cloud - Amazon EC2
by RussH -   - in: 3rd Party Services
0 Replies
by RussH
Editing candidate resets EEO values to default
by dmcman73 -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by dmcman73
Tuning MySQL for OpenCATS
by RussH -   - in: OpenCATS Talk
0 Replies
by RussH
Bulk import - Name and email
by sand -   - in: Cries for Help!
0 Replies
by sand
Export part in Job Order order search

Hello, Neat post. There’s a problem with you[…]

I also got the same error. Is there any remedy? […]

I just did a fresh Windows install this morning, a[…]

Searching candidates through API.

That's a bit difficult. I'm also looking for the a[…]