General discussion of OpenCATS

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

Forum rules: Just remember to play nicely once you walk through the door. You can disagree with us, or any other commenters in this forum, but keep comments directed to the topic at hand.
Seems that this site is still visited. Hopefully someone can help.

Installed a 0.9.1 version

To activate the pro license it prompts for a key or redirect to purchase an on-line service from CATS One. Where do one obtains such key?

Another question in regards of the usability - reports. The only two functions that are available are "new submissions" and "new placements." What about the rest of the features?

This is a great software! I cannot believe it was available all this time.
0.9.1a version fixes this.. removes the license check.

maybe easiest to reinstall? otherwise a quick search of the forum reveals a few shared keys for 0.9.1;
Make it look like this;

/* License key. */
Hello Russ,

Thank You for continuing to contribute to this forum. I was able to figure it out and it functions well at this point on a local machine.

Russ, in regards of Reports - how do I "unlock" the rest of the "reports?" The only two functions that are available are "new submissions" and "new placements." My wife, who utilizes this program needs to provide reports for new candidates as well. How do I go about it?

Thank You in advance!

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