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Hi all,

I have been an extremely happy user of opencats (0.91) for the past 4-5 years running it on a hosted environment. Today, all of a sudden I noticed that whenever I click on "Create Candidate" under "Candidates" tab the application basically freezes. If I open a new tab and try to access it, it will not load. If I close the frozen tab and start over it wont load until 1-2 minutes have passed. If I wait patiently I get to the candidate creation view but it takes no less than 2-3 minutes to load.
One of my friends who started his own opencats instance 10 days ago called me today with the same problem. I contacted my web host who happens to be a friend of mine, and he restarted apache, mysql, and even the server, but nothing would help.

Since I own a VPS running ubuntu server I decided to get from github and installed it succesfully on my ubuntu server and noticed that the version is 0.9.2 now. The first thing I tried to do was to create a candidate and noticed the very same behaviour.

I am using Firefox 37.0.1 and Chromium (which are the two browsers that I have used in the past 4-5 years) and my friend uses Safari on a Mac.

These are the server environments:

OpenCats 0.9.1
cPanel server
Apache Version 2.4.12
PHP Version 5.5.22
MySQL Version 5.5.42
11:12:31 PM
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.42, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

OpenCats 0.9.2
Ubuntu Server 12.04
Apache: Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.7 (cli) (built: Mar 16 2015 20:47:39)
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.41, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3

EDIT: I went to demosite under and loged in and I was able to reproduce the error. Go to candidates, create candidate and it stops there. Now try to load demosite from another tab on the same browser and it won't even load!

Last edited by scott1981 on 11 Apr 2015, 22:26, edited 1 time in total.
I repeated a similar install on a CentOS server and the bug is not there. Apparently this happened after either possible recent upgrade on php, mysql or apache.

These are the system specs as reported by the working cats 0.9.2

General Information
Operating System: Linux pbx.localdomain 2.6.32-431.el6.i686 #1 SMP Fri Nov 22 00:26:36 UTC 2013 i686
Operating System Type: CATS thinks your operating system is UNIX.
PHP Version: 5.3.28
Database Version: MySQL 5.1.73
Installation Directory: /var/www/html/cats
I've been wrestling with this issue for the past 24 hours also.

This is the fix (for me so far). There is a call to that hangs the Add Candidate screen. The quick fix is to edit the hosts file on the server and point that hostname to the local machine. On Linux you edit the hosts file at /etc/hosts

I've added a few entries to make the issue go away. My hosts file currently looks like: localhost maint-VirtualBox
#More added during debug

It seems like the last entry (the was the one that got my system flying fast again.

I'm going to test this some more; however just wanted to get some info out there as it seems many people are going to have this issue.

I'm thinking the was taken offline yesterday; that being said any "phone home" is worth removing (hence the other entries I've put in my hosts file).
cats1000 wrote:I've been wrestling with this issue for the past 24 hours also.

This is the fix (for me so far). There is a call to that hangs the Add Candidate screen. The quick fix is to edit the hosts file on the server and point that hostname to the local machine. On Linux you edit the hosts file at /etc/hosts

I've added a few entries to make the issue go away. My hosts file currently looks like: localhost maint-VirtualBox
#More added during debug

It seems like the last entry (the was the one that got my system flying fast again.

I'm going to test this some more; however just wanted to get some info out there as it seems many people are going to have this issue.

I'm thinking the was taken offline yesterday; that being said any "phone home" is worth removing (hence the other entries I've put in my hosts file).
I can confirm that adding

to /etc/hosts fixes the issue

I am however wondering why it would work on some servers and not on others. Is there any long term fix for this?

I think some servers have a quicker timeout when there is no response on the SOAP calls. On my servers is was exactly 120 seconds before it would timeout and let users add a Candidate.

Editing the hosts file should be a long term fix, since we don't need (or want) the old parent company parsing resumes. By the way the call to the can be found in the cats/wsdl/parse.wsdl and cats/wsdl/status.wsdl files.

I guess a better solution (more permanent perhaps) would be to edit the two files above and remove this dependency. The calls to the now offline soap service look like:
<service name="CATSDocumentParseService">
<port name="CATSDocumentParsePort" binding="typens:CATSDocumentParseBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>


<service name="StatusService">
<port name="StatusPort" binding="typens:StatusBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>

If you try to access these URLs in a browser they don't return anything. I suspect yesterday before we all had the issue they returned something. Something important??

Thank for confirming this worked for you also.
"Houston we have a problem"

I'm working with a hosted version on Linux so al lot of things I can't (don't want to) control.
I receive the following error

Query Error -- Report to System Administrator ASAP

MySQL Query Failed: MySQL server has gone away

system_id = 0

We need a serious patch on this one!

By thw way, if I enter I get on the Catsone page. Coincidence ????
Thanks manuel.. missed that simple fix!

fyi - we have all the coding necessary to remove all external links from opencats - contributed by Dan Needles. these will go into 0.9.2 shortly...
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