General discussion of OpenCATS

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Dear all,

I am very new for Opencats system, actually I just installed it yesterday.

What I found today is it does not detect a duplicate candidate. I try to entry a duplicate name and last name in the system and both of them is show in a separate candidate.

So, it would be appreciated if anyone could suggest me how to set Opencats to detect a duplicate candidate.

Thank you very much.
At first welcome to the Opencats communty!

It is true that Opencats hasn't got a check on a duplicate person but do you really want to?

I think it's verry frustrating when you are spending time entering all the data and at the end when you want to save it Opencats pops up: "Allready known person"
It's possible to program Opencats in a way that makes it checks after entering the first and last name and e-mail adres.
But i'ts more easier just to look up with : "Quick Search"
Just as fast and the same result.

By the way: If the same person gives a reaction to a vacancy from the "carreer site" there is a check.

I use CATS Version 0.9.1 (Beas) and surely it's able to detect the duplicate profiles by using email address as ID

When you create new candidate profile, let input his email first. If the email already existed, a message will display.
(Something like: "This profile may already be in the system. Possible duplicate candidate profile: <<candidate full-name here>>")

Or else you can also use visit the "Quick search" in Candidates tab to quick check if the email was already inputed or not.
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nice work. بادل