General discussion of OpenCATS

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

Forum rules: Just remember to play nicely once you walk through the door. You can disagree with us, or any other commenters in this forum, but keep comments directed to the topic at hand.
By prafulohm
Hi Russ,

We have been using OpenCATS for some time. BTW...It works great.

I would like to change "C A T S Applicant Tracking System" to something else. Please let me know if we can do it and how. Which file we need to change?

Thank You....
By manuel
Hello, you mean something like this? This is my Login Screen. (In dutch :-) )


It's not difficult to do.
I've only changed the colors, added my logo en made round borders. The round borders are just a few extra lines in the CSS file and works in the most recent browser.

I "eliminated" the reset button because it's of no use.

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Upgrading CATS 0.8 to 0.9.1

nice work. بادل