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By nes
Hello everyone,

I saw a feature while testing candidATS that would be a really nice addition to OpenCATS, that is Email history and send email button in the candidate profile (see image below). Does anyone have implemented this in OpenCATS ?
If not, is there a way to get some help in developing this and maybe add it to the next release of OpenCATS ? I have a rather decent level in programming but I will need some help in order to know what files I should look into.


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By cptr13
You can put this as a feature request on the OpenCATS github. I would include the image.
By dveos
Hi nes,

Did you get any further with this?
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By RussH

Two things;

- does this give you what you need?

"added the option to email a candidate from the candidate show page using OpenCATS email feature. emailing was already implemented through mailto:, but this option is through OpenCATS so the email templates can be used"

Alternatively there is a (stalled) project to poll your mailserver using IMAP , do a candidate lookup on inbound/outbound emails and insert the content to the appropriate candidate activity record. could give that code some love and see if it can be made operational. I believe it worked okay on small databases, but didn't scale well.
By dveos
Hi, just wanted to revive this thread to say that I am close to achieving this as shown in the image - I am one small hurdle away from completing. Will update shortly :D
By dveos
I now have this working, I'm not sure of the be best way to upload / contribute if it's something people would be interested in.
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By RussH
Hi dveos.. yes yes yes .. email me the patch please or the installation instructions and I can add to opencats if you cant add on github yourself!

(ahem, kinda keen to see it working!)
By dveos
Hi Russ,

It's a start!

Please find instructions below, it's not 100% perfect yet as I noticed an issue with emails being sent through the "Activity" pop up. But seems to work perfectly when you email candidates through the standard procedure.

1, Firstly need to create two columns in the email_history table entitled for_id and for_module.
2, I have attached amended files for upload, don't think I'm missing anything.. then job done!

Basically what should happen is when an email goes out it logs the Candidate ID in the for_id column, and also module (i.e. Candidates). Then returns each email in the data grid.

Any issues let me know, or similarly if you can solve the activity email issue please do let me know! :D
Last edited by dveos on 24 Aug 2018, 07:29, edited 1 time in total.
By dveos
Hi Russ,

I just noticed it's the wrong nc file, please find attached.
Last edited by dveos on 24 Aug 2018, 07:29, edited 1 time in total.
By dveos
The following change in lib/pipelines.php from line 369 solves the activity issue:-
Code: Select all
/* Send e-mail notification. */
            //FIXME: Make subject configurable.
            $mailer = new Mailer($this->_siteID);
            $mailerStatus = $mailer->sendToOne(
                array($emailAddress, '', 'candidate->'.$candidateID),

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