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By jp212
Hi all,

First off, I want to say thank you for maintaining such an awesome piece of software and I apologize for the extremely long and convoluted question I have.

I'm using OpenCATS in a non-traditional way, and I think I may be the only one in the forum using it in this way. Just for some background, I work in affordable housing in the US and a few months ago I felt overwhelmed with the number of affordable housing applicants I had to screen for just one apartment (with about 50 total apartments at that time). After some fruitless searching for free software in my industry to replace all of the various spreadsheets we used, OpenCATS was a godsend in helping me keep track of my personal workflow. Essentially the way I use OpenCATS is that (1) candidates are those seeking affordable housing, (2) companies are the entire buildings/apartment complexes I work with, and (3) job orders are the individual apartments. At first, the only metric I cared about was qualified applicants getting the apartment, so total placements worked fine.

Now after showing my boss this, she was impressed with OpenCATS but really wants to dig deep at the data. Some of the items were simple (e.g., time analysis - had to create a custom field of lease signing date and subtract the date created from that in Excel after exporting), but I have an issue with differentiating reasons for "Not in Consideration" which I used for applicants that did not qualify. I used this as a pretty big bucket, and would just add in some basic notes that I'd understand if I needed to go back and look. Now when trying to aggregate the notes using a COUNTIF function in Excel, I realized I used varying wording to say the same thing, which defeats the purpose of COUNTIF. My first thought was to edit everything to use 100% precise language but I figured that would be a killer and if anyone else were to use OpenCATS (which looks like it's going to happen), they would have to use that same language 100% of the time (very unlikely).

Is it possible to create custom pipeline statuses? In digging around at the MySQL database and on the form, I'm afraid that I might break my database and not being a coder, I'm extremely hesitant to make any major changes. The criteria my boss is looking at is the following:
Of those rejected, number rejected because of:
i. Being over income;
ii. Being under income;
iii. Falling between the income ranges; if applicable;
iv. Credit reasons;
v. Criminal history;
vi. Housing court activity as further described in Section 5-6.D;
vii. Household composition;
viii. Failure to submit requested additional documentation;
ix. Submitting multiple applications;
x. Household being comprised of full-time student(s) and not
meeting any of the exceptions (in applicable programs);
xi. Household size;
xii. No-shows (including the no-show dates); and
xiii. Any other rejection criteria used by the Marketing Agent.

Essentially, I'd love to have custom candidate job order status for each of the above criteria which I just lumped into Not in Consideration (e.g., something to the effect of 651 - Over Income, 652 - Under Income, etc.). This is my first time using php or MySQL in an in-depth manner, so please forgive me if there is a simple answer out there. I'm also open to any other suggestions as well. My gut feeling is that I may need to come up with other reports, so any suggestions or words of wisdom in general would be much appreciated.

Just as a housekeeping note, I'm using OpenCATS on Bluehost as I sometimes have to go to different worksites and my company uses cloud-based desktops. I'm not sure if that complicates matters but I just wanted to throw it out there. Please let me know if any of the above needs clarification.

Hi James, very easy to do - even I've done this and added in custom statuses. I'll see if I can unpick what I did / amended which files.
Okay, looks like I just amended the 'candidate_joborder_status' table with some additional entries.

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