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I looked a the documentation and I didn't see anywhere that displayed how to install on an existing joomla site. Do you have to enter a record in the joomla database to make the menu item show up?
BTW I'm a Joomla developerand once I get this working I'm willing to work on the Installer. That is if I get some direction on how it is setup. What is confusing me is that it seems to only have the front end files and nothing for the administration section... I know that there would be no need for an administration section since CATS is an external system but i think it would be a good idea to be able to set the settings i.e database name, password, and ftp via the joomla backend. You would be able to list it one as well.

there is a joomla installer that's been developed by one of the forum members (to make the whole process allot more user friendly!)- and he's shared visibility of it with me. I hope to be able to post it to subversion within the next week...

If you ARE a Joomla developer then there are a few aspects I still think need to be bottomed out - for example - if you enable SEO modules, it breaks the OpenCATS Joomla module:-(

Hang fire for a few days - you should see something new
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking forward to the installer. SEO is known to cause issues with components. I'm willing to take a look at it. It is usually caused by the item id not being passed. Nice piece of software by the way!!!!
Hi, Could you share information on how to install the component please. Module installs okay but component missing xml file. Will be great if you could post the solution here for everyone to see.
I'm having this same issue...the module installs, and works...but the component is no where to be seen.
And trying to install it the old fashioned way of tossing it into the "tmp" folder...doesn't work.

Please help.
Hey, glad of the interest, I have a much appreciated fully working component for Joomla - but only for a local install, i'm just right now working though the issues with getting it to work with ftp for a remote install...

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