What do you want to see in OpenCATS? What the must-have, useful feature that's missing? Is it major redesign or a small tweak? Share here and we can doscuss, agree, add to the roadmap.

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

By daCaPo
With the advent of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in EU, many users will need an option to buld-delete applicants in order to comply with data retention requirements. As long as there are no more advanced mechanisms available, it would be very useful to have a delete command in the bottom-left menu of the contacts (and maybe others) list view. By ordering the contacts ascending by last modification date, it would be easy to delete records no longer required (and thus to be deleted by GDPR).
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By RussH
Hey, appreciate it's not 'user intuitive' but I find bulk deletes far easier through a sql query for 'candidate ID' with last modified date > xxx time.

Alternatively, please add this as a feature request to github.. thx!

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