What do you want to see in OpenCATS? What the must-have, useful feature that's missing? Is it major redesign or a small tweak? Share here and we can doscuss, agree, add to the roadmap.

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

Good day,

Would it be possible to add an embedded cv template which integrates information from the candidates original CV directly into embedded CV template within OpenCats?

That would absolutely be fantastic as so much precious time is wasted with typing candidates into our CV template.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :)
HI RedCat, yes and it used to be a feature but it relies on (usually chargeable) 3rd party resume parsing services. The 'preferred partner' disappeared and there's not an obvious replacement. However if there is one you want to use (e.g. RChilli), a PHP developer could amend the old integration to your preferred one with fairly minimal effort.

There are some free parsers on github which appear workable but they're not 'production ready' and would definitely have a significant overhead to setup & maintain

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