General discussion of OpenCATS

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When I use joomla connectors and apply for a job and after adding all my credentials click "ubmit Applicatioon ow" I get following fatal Error: Cannot redeclare class PHPMailer in ... lib/Mailer.php ...

In Mailer.php if found:

Of course this is needed if mailer functionality is used from cats itself, so cannot just // it so tried to check whether class exists with following expression:

if (!class_exists('phpmailer')) {

However this always executes include_once...., e.g. check does not work.

Maybe because the execution comes from Joomla connector and not cats itself?!?

Has anybody come accross this problem or even better anyone who can help me to solve this :)

Hi RussH,
RussH wrote:Hiya jk - let me upload the current code for you (to assembla). It's changed somewhat from what's in there.
That would be great if you could do that.
Have implemented a quick and dirty workaround meanwhile so that my joomla connector works meanwhile but would be nice to use your latest connector.
Just another thing I found out with the current joomla connector (available at assembla): If somebody wants to apply and executes ./com_catsone/models/apply.php most of the libs are missing. So did also a workaround and changed the home path in apply.php before ./lib/Attachments.php file is loaded

For those who are interested in I include the fix, but as mentioned earlier, this is quick and dirty, please excuse i am not a developer (any longer) but can read some code and do few changes.

// jk quick and dirty to avoid double load of phpmailer
// jk changes to make lib/Attachments work....
//saves our current working directory to a variable
$oldcwd = getcwd();
// jk quick and dirty to avoid double load of phpmailer
# include_once(JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'lib'.DS.'Attachments.php');
# jk changed above line to:
//jk change the cwd back to the old value to not interfere with the script

RussH wrote:Hiya jk - let me upload the current code for you (to assembla). It's changed somewhat from what's in there. I'm behind in my admin!
Hi RushH; have uploaded the current code to assembla meanwhile :) just curious to restart testing what works on Joomla and what not.
For those who are interested in I include the fix, but as mentioned earlier, this is quick and dirty, please excuse i am not a developer (any longer) but can read some code and do few changes.

________________ ... _Carolina)
Last edited by jonnblaze on 16 Aug 2014, 12:44, edited 3 times in total.
Hi Johnny,

Very keen to see the joomla module worked on and kept current / improved. How can I help? I have a test joomla site and probably need to update it to version 2.5 or 3 (which will break the existing component / module / etc)

We can go through it and document what breaks / needs fixed?


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as the title says...