General discussion of OpenCATS

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

Forum rules: Just remember to play nicely once you walk through the door. You can disagree with us, or any other commenters in this forum, but keep comments directed to the topic at hand.
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By RussH
Just a quick tip..

if you find you need to change the google maps lookup to a local google so that it finds your zipcode (or postcode) - just search for and change it;
Code: Select all
find /your_server/cats -type f -name '*' -exec grep -l "" {} \;
shoudl result in you changing the following file;
# cat /your_server/catcats/modules/companies/CompaniesUI.php | grep
$data['googleMaps'] = '<a href="' .

...change to your local regional google - i.e. for the UK, for the netherlands etc etc

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