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Email,Ldap and Time Zone

Posted: 01 Nov 2019, 09:21
by Harsha.Inukollu

While sending the test mail, I am getting below error. I need LDAP authentication and time zone for India(+5.30).

Exchange server

From E-Mail Address for Outgoing Messages:

Send Test E-Mail

An error occurred.

Errors occurred while attempting to send mail to one or more provided addresses: (): SMTP connect() failed. ... leshooting

config.php file configuration:

* Configuration File
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Cognizo Technologies, Inc.
* The contents of this file are subject to the CATS Public License
* Version 1.1a (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is "CATS Standard Edition".
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cognizo Technologies, Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007
* (or from the year in which this file was created to the year 2007) by
* Cognizo Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* $Id: config.php 3826 2007-12-10 06:03:18Z will $

/* License key. */

/* Database configuration. */
define('DATABASE_USER', 'karvy');
define('DATABASE_PASS', 'Karvy@123');
define('DATABASE_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DATABASE_NAME', 'opencats');

/* Authentication Configuration
* Options are sql, ldap, sql+ldap
define ('AUTH_MODE', 'sql');

/* Resume Import Services Enabled */
define('PARSING_ENABLED', false);

/* If you have an SSL compatible server, you can enable SSL for all of CATS. */
define('SSL_ENABLED', false);

/* Text parser settings. Remember to use double backslashes (\) to represent
* one backslash (\). On Windows, installing in C:\antiword\ is
* recomended, in which case you should set ANTIWORD_PATH (below) to
* 'C:\\antiword\\antiword.exe'. Windows Antiword will have problems locating
* mapping files if you install it anywhere but C:\antiword\.
define('ANTIWORD_PATH', "\\path\\to\\antiword");
define('ANTIWORD_MAP', '8859-1.txt');

/* XPDF / pdftotext settings. Remember to use double backslashes (\) to represent
* one backslash (\).
define('PDFTOTEXT_PATH', "\\path\\to\\pdftotext");

/* html2text settings. Remember to use double backslashes (\) to represent
* one backslash (\). 'html2text' can be found at:
define('HTML2TEXT_PATH', "\\path\\to\\html2text");

/* UnRTF settings. Remember to use double backslashes (\) to represent
* one backslash (\). 'unrtf' can be found at:
define('UNRTF_PATH', "\\path\\to\\unrtf");

/* Temporary directory. Set this to a directory that is writable by the
* web server. The default should be fine for most systems. Remember to
* use double backslashes (\) to represent one backslash (\) on Windows.
define('CATS_TEMP_DIR', './temp');

/* If User Details and Login Activity pages in the settings module are
* unbearably slow, set this to false.
define('ENABLE_HOSTNAME_LOOKUP', false);

/* CATS can optionally use Sphinx to speed up document searching.
* Install Sphinx and set ENABLE_SPHINX (below) to true to enable Sphinx.
define('ENABLE_SPHINX', false);
define('SPHINX_API', './lib/sphinx/sphinxapi.php');
define('SPHINX_HOST', 'localhost');
define('SPHINX_PORT', 3312);
define('SPHINX_INDEX', 'cats catsdelta');

/* Probably no need to edit anything below this line. */

/* Pager settings. These are the number of results per page. */
define('CONTACTS_PER_PAGE', 15);
define('CANDIDATES_PER_PAGE', 15);
define('CLIENTS_PER_PAGE', 15);

/* Maximum number of characters of the owner/recruiter users' last names
* to show before truncating.
define('LAST_NAME_MAXLEN', 6);

/* Length of resume excerpts displayed in Search Candidates results. */

/* Number of MRU list items. */
define('MRU_MAX_ITEMS', 5);

/* MRU item length. Truncate the rest */
define('MRU_ITEM_LENGTH', 20);

/* Number of recent search items. */

/* HTML Encoding. */
define('HTML_ENCODING', 'UTF-8');

/* AJAX Encoding. */
define('AJAX_ENCODING', 'UTF-8');

/* SQL Character Set. */
define('SQL_CHARACTER_SET', 'utf8');

/* Insert BOM in the beginning of CSV file */
/* This is UTF-8 BOM, EF BB BF for UTF-8 */
define('INSERT_BOM_CSV_LENGTH', '3');
define('INSERT_BOM_CSV_1', '239');
define('INSERT_BOM_CSV_2', '187');
define('INSERT_BOM_CSV_3', '191');
define('INSERT_BOM_CSV_4', '');

/* Path to modules. */
define('MODULES_PATH', './modules/');

/* Unique session name. The only reason you might want to modify this is
* for multiple CATS installations on one server. A-Z, 0-9 only! */

/* Subject line of e-mails sent to candidates via the career portal when they
* apply for a job order.
define('CAREERS_CANDIDATEAPPLY_SUBJECT', 'Thank You for Your Application');

/* Subject line of e-mails sent to job order owners via the career portal when
* they apply for a job order.
define('CAREERS_OWNERAPPLY_SUBJECT', 'CATS - A Candidate Has Applied to Your Job Order');

/* Subject line of e-mails sent to candidates when their status changes for a
* job order.
define('CANDIDATE_STATUSCHANGE_SUBJECT', 'Job Application Status Change');

/* Password request settings.
* In FORGOT_PASSWORD_FROM, %s is the placeholder for the password.
define('FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUBJECT', 'CATS - Password Retrieval Request');
define('FORGOT_PASSWORD_BODY', 'You recently requested that your OpenCATS: Applicant Tracking System password be sent to you. Your current password is %s.');

/* Is this a demo site? */
define('ENABLE_DEMO_MODE', false);

/* Offset to GMT Time. */
define('OFFSET_GMT', 5.5);

/* Should we enforce only one session per user (excluding demo)? */
define('ENABLE_SINGLE_SESSION', false);

/* Automated testing. This is only useful for the CATS core team at the moment;
* don't worry about this yet.
define('TESTER_LOGIN', '');
define('TESTER_PASSWORD', 'john99');
define('TESTER_FIRSTNAME', 'John');
define('TESTER_LASTNAME', 'Anderson');
define('TESTER_FULLNAME', 'John Anderson');
define('TESTER_USER_ID', 4);

/* Demo login. */
define('DEMO_LOGIN', '');
define('DEMO_PASSWORD', 'john99');

/* This setting configures the method used to send e-mail from CATS. CATS
* can send e-mail via SMTP, PHP's built-in mail support, or via Sendmail.
* 0 is recomended for Windows.
* 0: Disabled
* 1: PHP Built-In Mail Support
* 2: Sendmail
* 3: SMTP
define('MAIL_MAILER', 3);

/* Sendmail Settings. You don't need to worry about this unless MAIL_MAILER
* is set to 2.
define('MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH', "/usr/sbin/sendmail");

/* SMTP Settings. You don't need to worry about this unless MAIL_MAILER is
* set to 3. If your server requires authentication, set MAIL_SMTP_AUTH to
* true and configure MAIL_SMTP_USER and MAIL_SMTP_PASS.
define('MAIL_SMTP_HOST', "");
define('MAIL_SMTP_PORT', 587);
define('MAIL_SMTP_AUTH', false);
define('MAIL_SMTP_USER', "user");
define('MAIL_SMTP_PASS', "password");
//Options: '', 'ssl' or 'tls'
/* define('MAIL_SMTP_SECURE', "tls"); */

/* Event reminder E-Mail Template. */
$GLOBALS['eventReminderEmail'] = <<<EOF

This is a reminder from the OpenCATS Applicant Tracking System about an
upcoming event.

Is scheduled to occur %DUETIME%.


OPENCATS Applicant Tracking System

/* Enable replication slave mode? This is probably only useful for the CATS
* core team. If this setting is enabled, no writing to the database will
* occur, and only ROOT users can login.
define('CATS_SLAVE', false);

/* If enabled, CATS only scans the modules folder once and stores the results
* in modules.cache. When enabled, a performance boost is obtained, but
* any changes to hooks, schemas, or what modules are installed will require
* modules.cache to be deleted before they take effect.

define('CACHE_MODULES', false);

/* If enabled, the US zipcode database is installed and the user can filter
* by distance from a zipcode.

define('US_ZIPS_ENABLED', true);

/* LDAP Configuration
define ('LDAP_HOST', '');
define ('LDAP_PORT', '389');

define ('LDAP_BASEDN', 'dc=spandana,dc=cc');

define ('LDAP_BIND_DN', 'uid=harsha,dc=spandana,dc=cc');
define ('LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD', 'Justnow123$');

define ('LDAP_ACCOUNT', '{$username}'); // '{$username}' cannot be changed, else can

define ('LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_UID', 'uid');
define ('LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_DN', 'dn');
define ('LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_FIRSTNAME', 'givenname');
define ('LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL', 'mail');

define ('LDAP_SITEID', 1);

/* Job Types mapping
/* Uncomment bellow if you want custom mapping */
/*const JOB_TYPES_LIST = array(
'PT' => 'Part-Time',
'FT' => 'Full-Time',
'ST' => 'Student',
'FL' => 'Freelance'

// defining user roles
const USER_ROLES = array(
'candidate' => array('Candidate', 'candidate', 'This is a candidate.', ACCESS_LEVEL_SA, ACCESS_LEVEL_READ),
'demo' => array('Demo', 'demo', 'This is a demo user.', ACCESS_LEVEL_SA, ACCESS_LEVEL_READ)

// defining access levels different from the default access level
const ACCESS_LEVEL_MAP = array(
'candidate' => array(
'demo' => array(
'candidates' => ACCESS_LEVEL_DELETE,
'candidates.emailCandidates' => ACCESS_LEVEL_DISABLED,
'candidates.history' => ACCESS_LEVEL_DEMO,
'joborders' => ACCESS_LEVEL_DELETE,

/* All possible secure object names
