General discussion of OpenCATS

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By Soops
Hi All,

first thank you very much for making this software available.

I have installed it successfully and it seems to run just fine.

I have some outstanding issues though, but they don't seem to fall under 'help required' hence the post here.

I checked out the demo site here which seems to have a bulk CV upload, but the version I have installed does not - should I have installed a different version? I'm not at home but I'm sure I installed 0.91a.

I can't get email to work and some logs would be good - is there any logging at all for OpenCATS?

I think that's it for now.

I'll have to have a look at the SVN repo tonight, but I'm no developer - I only managed to install this after following the step by step guide - which worked beautifully by the way.

All the best,

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By RussH
Hey Soops, any logging for OpenCATS will be to the apache error.log - which is normally in /var/log/apache/error.log

However (and I'm always saying this) I've never run OpenCATS under WAMP so can probably only assist a great deal if you're running Linux. That said, there is a wamp image all packed up - it was posted here on the forums, I'll find it and link to it on the wiki

Finally - I'm no developer either, I just encourage the devs :-) - therefore if I can do it, anyone can do it!
By Soops
Hi RussH,

that was a quick response, thank you.

Thankfully I'm running under LAMP on Ubuntu, I have to use Windows at work sadly. I'll look for those logs when I get home - thank you for the pointer.

I did a more thorough search of the forums and found out some details on the bulk upload, so I shall have to investigate that further.

As long as they are searchable I'll be a happy man.

It seems as well that 0.91a is the preferred version - is there any significant difference between that and the one in SVN?

I have been described elsewhere as an 'enthusiastic tinkerer' so if I can help I will. It seems that you are holding the fort on your own pretty much.

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By RussH
Soops wrote:Hi RussH,

that was a quick response, thank you.

Thankfully I'm running under LAMP on Ubuntu, I have to use Windows at work sadly. I'll look for those logs when I get home - thank you for the pointer.

I did a more thorough search of the forums and found out some details on the bulk upload, so I shall have to investigate that further.

As long as they are searchable I'll be a happy man.

It seems as well that 0.91a is the preferred version - is there any significant difference between that and the one in SVN?

I have been described elsewhere as an 'enthusiastic tinkerer' so if I can help I will. It seems that you are holding the fort on your own pretty much.

feel free to tinker! depending on what you're after there are a few options.

OSATS is the version in SVN that's farthest removed from 'stock'. It's primarily a one man effort, but it has full multilingual support in there.

The SVN version of OpenCATS has a few tweaks but nothing outstanding. It has support for html emails in the mailshot option and some options are fixed to prevent the app from prompting for a license code etc.

Still some tidying work going on for that.

If you search the wiki/forums you can see there's a joomla module, but you can also run the web portal out of the box without using joomla. If you're doing that, be careful to use.htaccess files to secure your site. You can use a linux tool like NIKTO to scan your site whne it's up and running to see if there are any easily found vulnerabilities.

The main missing feature since the split from 'mainline' is resume parsing - this relied on a 3rd party website that's now been disabled. There's some possibility we oculd drop in a replacement parsing project like OpenCalais, but it's not 100% there yet in terms of features, so for now the bulk upload is just that - bulk upload without automagic parsing and creation of candidate records. The bulk upload will still permit the resume's to be searched for keywords though, so it's still usable.

Anyway - have a play, and come back to tell us about what you like/hate/wish was there etc.
By Soops
Thanks very much for the tips - exactly what I was after.

Resume parsing is not high on my list - I figure as long as I can search them and find potential candidates all will be well. I can add the details should I add them to the pipeline.

I plan to use Open CATS on an internal server only - at the moment I just don't have the experience to run my own website. One step at a time ;-)

I've got to look at lists - I can't seem to create one using the demo database. Must be a mental block somewhere ;-)

Thank you for your help again - much appreciated.
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By RussH
Soops wrote:Thanks very much for the tips - exactly what I was after.

Resume parsing is not high on my list - I figure as long as I can search them and find potential candidates all will be well. I can add the details should I add them to the pipeline.

I plan to use Open CATS on an internal server only - at the moment I just don't have the experience to run my own website. One step at a time ;-)

I've got to look at lists - I can't seem to create one using the demo database. Must be a mental block somewhere ;-)

Thank you for your help again - much appreciated.
Okay - last one on a friday night before I get out for a run - the lists function isn't entirely intuitive, you create/add a list by selecting a candidate in the candidate tab and then using the actions (at the bottom of the list) to choose 'create/add to a list'. You can't create/add someone to a list fr the list view.

I must implement a bugtracker/feature request tool, maybe flypaper - anyway - problem with lists is that even if you make a candidate inactive, they still stay on the list. I need to check the SQL query for emailing to people on a list, perhaps I can amend it to only email active candidates - but right now that's a known issue.
By Soops

I'm all sorted with them. I was trying to do a search, then add the results to a list from the results screen.

It actually works better to add the candidate to a list from the candidate screen - i.e. after they have been checked for availability, suitability etc.

Thanks for the frequent and very prompt answers RussH - I'm very, very grateful.

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