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By dveos
I have managed to copy resume / document parsing files into OpenCATS 0.9.4 to allow CV Searching on shared hosting, if anyone is interested let me know and will upload files & instructions :)
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By RussH
Hi Dveos I guess you have root access? you've installed searchd on shared hosting.. or something else?
By dveos
Hi Russ,

I unfortunately don't have root access. I merely copied some files directly from CandidATS and modified a few lines of code, now can search pdf, doc, docx through php. :)
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By RussH
Hi dveos - yes please share some instructions - also - if you *happen* to get any new features developed, we'd love it if you contributed them back to the project on github. If you're not quite sure how, you can email me -
By dveos
Hello, sorry for not replying sooner, I have attached files (off the top of my head) which if extracted into lib folder should provide functionality to search pdf, doc & docx through php. If doesn't work let me know! :D
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By cptr13
I did a test and it works. That link will be good for a few more weeks. For now, download those files, merge and overwrite it into your main OpenCATS directory. Then the keyword searching should work. I did it on a fresh install and it seems to work fine.
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