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Hello OpenCATS,

I've got my OpenCATS up and running and have created 2 companies and 3 jobs. I manually added candidates to a job order pipeline via the Job Orders page.

I then activated my careers website via the settings page. My 3 jobs are visible on http://localhost/OpenCATS/careers. So far so good...

However, when a "candidate" applies for a job, the "Import Resume (or CV) and Populate Fields" does not work. The "Browse" button allows me to select a CV but, when I'm brought back to the candidate application screen, the "Upload" button remains greyed out and inactive.

Any ideas ?
I think this goes back to what I said in the other posting.

Need to make sure the install file version is correct, then let me know the environment.

Sounds like resume parsing is also an issue (it doesn't currently work), but there are workarounds on the forums, which I can point you to after we establish the composer steps were followed in the install.
Thanks for getting back to me. I forgot to mention my install information.

The install file is the "Not_Full" version from "opencats-0.9.4.tar.gz". It works fine.

The platform is Windows 10 "Family" edition and OpenCATS is running in C:\xampp\htdocs\OpenCATS

I haven't looked at resume parsing for the moment, but I've seen it mentioned in posts. I'll cross that hurdle at a later stage.

On my shared hosting version, it works, I can upload the resume. Some parsing works, some doesn't. Nothing populates the fields though.

Windows, wamp, localhost won't even show my careers site :D

I'll have to look at this.

You can open an issue on our GitHub if you want. The developers will look at it too.

But... Need some time on this one
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