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By bmalik
Hi all,

I'm glad I found this post. I've backed up the lib and vendor directories, downloaded and replaced the lib and vendor directories with the contents of However, the pages stopped building and looking at /var/log/httpd/error_log, I see this:

[Thu Jul 05 17:21:33.451705 2018] [:error] [pid 25277] [client x.x.x.x:34052] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen() in /var/www/html/lib/MRU.php on line 143, referer: http://xxxxx... /index.php?m=home

I did a diff on the new MRU.php and the original one, and they are the same. No changes in the original and new file that contains the mb_strlen function (lib/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php) either.

Any ideas?
By bmalik
Haven't been able to figure out why all the pages started erroring out after I replaced vendor and lib in the root directory with the two folders that were in I noticed there is a vendor subfolder under lib that was in Just wanted to make sure that's how it supposed to be.


In, there is a vendor subfolder under lib, along with a separate vendor folder at the same level as lib:
By bmalik
I went to a previous post in this thread and got the following file:

and copied the contents of it to the original lib directory from 0.9.4-2 installation. To test, I attached a resume to an existing candidate, did a "Search Candidates" with Resume Keywords and it worked.

However, IT TOOK FOREVER to bring up results. Will have to look at table indexes to figure out what's going on. Has anyone experienced similar slowness?

When adding a new candidate (Add Candidate), is the "Import Resume" feature supposed to work with the updated lib folder? It's not working for me.
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By RussH
Hi everyone in this thread - if you're able to document how to install and use this then I'll add it to the 'optional updates section' in the next release. Seems quite hit 'n miss from the descriptions so far :-(

Is this just replacing indexing fulltext indexing when searching for a resume (C.V) keyword, so that searchd / pdf2text etc etc aren't required?

So just a replacement and not new functionality?
By dveos
Hi, I will re upload these files with instructions in next couple of days.

It simply replaces the need for antiword etc.

Ideal for shared hosting users :)
By dveos
You mean the mass import?

Been a while since I used that, but if I remember correctly it worked as expected when I did use it, but will try it out next week to be sure.

What version of opencats are you using and are you using the file caines uploaded?
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