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User avatar
By PersonalAgentin
### Error 1

09-26-19 (10:42 AM) (The value 09-26-19 (10:42 AM) is not recognized as the date/time. => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 )

Can anybody help?

### Error 2

An inserted image is inserted with the following code:

<img alt="" src="" />

The " are regarded as errors in the ld-json. I could of course make the changes manually in the source code. But this is not a solution for the customer.

Can the <description> be masked so that it works?

Code: Select all
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org/",
  "@type": "JobPosting",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "hiringOrganization" : {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": ""
  "datePosted": "",
  "validThrough": "",
  "jobLocation": {
    "@type": "Place",
    "address": {
      "@type": "PostalAddress",
      "streetAddress": "",
      "addressLocality": "",
      "postalCode": "",
      "addressCountry": ""
User avatar
By PersonalAgentin
description =>

Additional Guidelines:

You must format the description in HTML.
At minimum, add paragraph breaks using <br>, <p>, or \n.
Valid tags include <p>, <ul>, <li>, and headings <h1> through <h5>.
You can also use character-level formatting tags such as <strong> and <em>.

datePosted & validThrough

ISO 8601

„18.09.2017, 00:00 Uhr“ => 2017-09-18T00:00
User avatar
By RussH

where are you trying to amend this - in the html job description or in the XML feed? I already have jobs routing and validating in Google for jobs, but I use the wordpress WPJobManager plugin to manage my joblistings online and their submission to Google for Jobs.

If you're amending the XML job feed, you can configure a custom template with only the fields you need, either dynamic or pre-populated with some static text.
User avatar
By PersonalAgentin
Thanks for the quick answer.

The jobs can be found here:


I have added the script to the template "Content - Job Details".
Code: Select all
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org/",
  "@type": "JobPosting",
  "title": "<title>",
  "description": "<description>",
  "hiringOrganization" : {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "neuerjob24.de - Andrea Pohl"
  "datePosted": "<created>",
  "validThrough": "",
  "jobLocation": {
    "@type": "Place",
    "address": {
      "@type": "PostalAddress",
      "streetAddress": "",
      "addressLocality": "<city>",
      "postalCode": "",
      "addressCountry": "Deutschland"

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