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Hello everyone,

I installed Open Cats and all has been working very well... until I started going a bit deeper with submitting applications as a candidate. When I get to the last step and click "submit application", I receive an Http Error 500. Any clue what the problem could be... or how to fix it?
Hi guys
I am experiencing a similar error - 504 Gateway time-out The server didn't respond on time.
When I press the button, the page does nothing, except a little rolling favicon that indicates that something the page is doing (or trying to), and if I do not refresh the page this error will show. But the fact that all data inserted into the form is successfully added into the DB, so I do not know what to do to solve this issue.
Any thoughts?
504 error.png
504 error.png (78.92 KiB) Viewed 96818 times

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