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I have OpenCATS installed on my cpanel in the home/[user]/public_html folder and I am getting the following error: PHP.ini: magic_quotes_runtime must be set to Off in php.ini.
Check your settings in php.ini..

I am running PHP version 8.1.29 on AlmaLinux which is subset of Linux Red Hat distro. I went into the correct php.ini as it says in the "Loaded Configuration File" part of the output of phpinfo() and set "magic_quotes_runtime = Off", but I still get the same error after restarting the apache server with "systemctl restart httpd" and retrying the installation.

How do I fix this issue? Or get around it?

error.PNG (81.99 KiB) Viewed 35745 times
phpini.PNG (14.37 KiB) Viewed 35745 times
Verify the magic_quotes_runtime is ON or OFF via browser
Just create a info.php file with
Access via browser https://your_domain_name/info.php and search for key words "magic_quotes_runtime" to see, if it is ON or OFF.
Once tested, please remove the info.php file for the security concerns.

Alternatively, Disable Magic Quotes using .htaccess file
Create a .htaccess file under the public_html folder of the domain that needs to disable magic_quotes and magic_quotes_gpc and put these lines in htaccess file.
php_value magic_quotes 0
php_flag magic_quotes off
php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

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