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Fatal error uploading (candidate resume) document > COM not found. How do I fix this?

Posted: 11 Jan 2024, 10:05
by Rick
I get a Fatal error uploading (candidate resume) document > COM not found. How do I I fix this?

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'COM' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\lib\DocumentToText.php:362 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\lib\DocumentToText.php(197): DocumentToText->_executeCommand('"C:\\XpdfReader-...') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\lib\Attachments.php(1100): DocumentToText->convert('C:\\xampp\\tmp\\ph...', 100) #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\lib\Attachments.php(969): AttachmentCreator->createGeneric(100, '3', false, true, false, 'Nathalie Vooijs...', 'C:\\xampp\\tmp\\ph...', 'application/pdf', false, true) #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\modules\candidates\CandidatesUI.php(2329): AttachmentCreator->createFromUpload(100, '3', 'file', false, true) #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\modules\candidates\CandidatesUI.php(259): CandidatesUI->onCreateAttachment() #5 C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\lib\ModuleUtility.php(79): CandidatesUI->handleRequest() #6 C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\index.php(274): ModuleUtility::loadModule('candidates') #7 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\ATS\lib\DocumentToText.php on line 362

Gr Rick

Re: Fatal error uploading (candidate resume) document > COM not found. How do I fix this?

Posted: 12 Jan 2024, 17:43
by RussH

php COM and .NET support aren't enabled by default in PHP for windows, but it's simple to do so;
- find your php.ini and uncomment
Code: Select all
On windows versions of php, the file should already be in the ext directory. Please check it's there - if it's not go to, download the matching version of php, extract it from the zip file, and put it into that directory.