General discussion of OpenCATS

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

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By dneedles
I noticed a lot of logic and the architecture of the database schema around the "site" concept which issolates each sites candidates and jobs frmo each other. BUt I do not see an easy way in the GUI to utilize this functionality. Has anyone used this and can share how?
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By RussH
Hey, this code was included by the original developers in preparation for them launching their SaaS offering. The license prevents 'open source' users from offering such a service, but I know that there was at least one developer who took the code and finalised it so that it's useable for a multi-seat environment. However, they've not released the code out to the community - I do stay in touch with them though! presumably, as this would breach the CPL they prefer to keep a low profile.
Export part in Job Order order search

Hello, Neat post. There’s a problem with you[…]

I also got the same error. Is there any remedy? […]

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Searching candidates through API.

That's a bit difficult. I'm also looking for the a[…]