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By neha2786
Hello All,

I have installed OPEN CATS 0.9.1a on linux. I followed the steps of moving resumes to rootdirectory/upload/massimport, and when I reload the candidates page, after processing bar at step 3, an error message comes "None of the files you uploaded were able to be imported". I am trying hard, but could not find out what is the error and how to fix this error? Can someone please help me on this?

Thanks in advance,
By srinathr
HI Neha,

I installed opencats 0.9.1a and I am not even able to get the mass import option in candidates add. Is there any step I am missing?

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By RussH
Hi.. you need to have the additional packages for masss import to work. Check the wiki here;
New Installation (Unix/Linux) - In Depth

THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR USERS OF A LINUX OR UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM. For installation instructions for Windows, read part E) Installation Instructions (Windows)


* MySQL Daemon 4.1 (or greater) [ ]
* PHP 5.x w/ MySQL Module [ ]
* PHP GD2 Module [ ] ***
* Apache HTTP Daemon [ ]
* Antiword [ ]
* PdfToText [ ]
* html2text [ ]
* UnRTF [ ]
If you're worried about the functionality please check the demo site to see if a particular feature works there. The demo site is a plain installation on a shared budget webhost.
Create a new recruiter

Hello Everyone, How do you create a new recrui[…]

Just tested on my local instance - works perfectly[…]

This is the "import from resume"[…]


Hi, the email configuration (including different[…]