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Import data - without to wait 1 week to become permanent

Posted: 18 Apr 2017, 21:01
by sunseeker
I installed opencats and tried to import my customer datas from my CRM. Everything looks great. I got in the success window the message: "You will have 1 week to review the import before the changes become permanent."
What can I do to force the process to make it NOW permanent ?

thanks for any help

Re: Import data - without to wait 1 week to become permanent

Posted: 18 Apr 2017, 21:18
by sunseeker
Sorry everybody :roll: - I check my opencats installation and saw that the data already exists and I can use it.
Permanent means - I have one week time to recent my data import - is that right?

sorry and thanks!!! ;)

Re: Import data - without to wait 1 week to become permanent

Posted: 18 Apr 2017, 22:56
by cptr13
This is a new one to me.

Can you post a screenshot of your error message? I've never heard of this before....

Re: Import data - without to wait 1 week to become permanent

Posted: 20 Apr 2017, 21:54
by sunseeker
Thanks for the reply!
I recent the process - BUT I will do it again over the weekend and I will post the screenshot latest on sunday.
Hope that's ok.