General discussion of OpenCATS

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

Forum rules: Just remember to play nicely once you walk through the door. You can disagree with us, or any other commenters in this forum, but keep comments directed to the topic at hand.
By lfcohen
Does anyone here would know where are the language files ? Or we basically would have to go over all the .php (and images, etc etc that have text in it...) files and translate them into another language, like, Portuguese ? Any easy way to localize CATS into a different language ?


By Jos
The language files are added in 0.9.2, since we do not have that feature in available 0.9.1 OS version, you have to translate the .php files yourself in the language you desire.
By lfcohen
by Jos on Fri May 02, 2008 12:55 pm

The language files are added in 0.9.2, since we do not have that feature in available 0.9.1 OS version, you have to translate the .php files yourself in the language you desire.
That is unfortunate, and I assume 0.9.2 will never make it to be an open source version, correct ?


By Jos
I received your PM. I cannot help you with OS 0.9.2 since it has never been released officialy. I will set you up in a few days with the .php files you need to translate.
By lfcohen
Jos wrote:I received your PM. I cannot help you with OS 0.9.2 since it has never been released officially. I will set you up in a few days with the .php files you need to translate.
Hi there! I don't want to bother you with this, as you are doing a huge favor. Any news on the PHP files ? Please, take your time!

Thank you very much in advance!

By Jos
If you want to translate the career page (thats the part your visitors will see on your website), then edit the file careersUI.php and translate the lines at 200,274,364,563,654,655,728,764,768,823,990,1136,1140,1142,1143.

The lines 1136,1140,1142,1143 are the most important ones to translate.

Use a program like dreamweaver to do this.
By Jos
If you want to chance/translate the text displayed at the tabs, go to /cats/modules/ and choose the xxxUI.php file to edit.

for instance, if you want to chance the text on the tab calendar. Go to /cats/modules/calendarUI.php

$this->_authenticationRequired = true;
$this->_moduleDirectory = 'calendar';
$this->_moduleName = 'calendar';
$this->_moduleTabText = 'Calendar';

Only chance the text as highlited in red.
By Jos
If you want to translate the text within the pages, you need to translate the text in the .tpl files. These are located at /cats/modules/xxx

For instance,you want to translate the calendar, go to /cats/mocules/calendar/calendar.tpl

The easy way to do is to open the template in dreamweaver, make the changes, save the file and upload the file to your server again.

It will take you a few hours to translate all the templates, but in the end you will have all displayed text within cats translated in your own language.
By Jos
I added an extra tab in the menu for XML output viewing.

Here is how you do that.

1. go to /cats/ and edit constants.php

Make it look like this;

$coreModules = array(
'home' => '1',
'activity' => '2',
'joborders' => '3',
'candidates' => '4',
'companies' => '5',
'contacts' => '6',
'lists' => '7',
'calendar' => '8',
'reports' => '9',
'settings' => '10',
'xml' => '11',

2. Now go to /cats/modules/xml and edit xmlUI.php
Make it look like this;

$this->_authenticationRequired = false;
$this->_moduleDirectory = 'xml';
$this->_moduleName = 'xml';
$this->_moduleTabText = 'XML';
$this->_subTabs = array();

3. If your are not from the US you might want to change country settings.
Look up this line in the file and change the country as it suits you.

// FIXME: Make this expandable to non-US?
case 'jobCountry':
$txtJobPosting = XmlTemplate::replaceTemplateTags(

4. The standard company which is displayed via xml is cats. Change this to your own company name and url.

case 'hiringCompany':
$txtJobPosting = XmlTemplate::replaceTemplateTags(
'CATS (',

Thats it, save your files and press F5 when done and now you have your extra tab displaying xml output
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By RussH
Just reposting my old tips for how to change the recruiters interface to English rather than American;

What I ran to change;

Variable A to Variable B

Cell Phone to Mobile Phone
Zip Code to Postal Code
C (Contract) to T (Temporary)
H (Hire) to P (Permanent)
C2H (Contract to Hire) to T2P (Temp to Perm)
FL (Freelance) to L (Limited Company)

Code: Select all
find /<path to cats> -type f -name '*.tpl' -exec grep -l "<Variable A>" {} \;| xargs sed -i 's/<Variable A>/<Variable B>/'
for example;
Code: Select all
find /srv/www/htdocs/cats -type f -name '*.tpl' -exec grep -l "Cell Phone" {} \;| xargs sed -i "s/Cell Phone/Mobile Phone/"
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