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By Rollie
hi sir,
seeking for your help on how we will backup our existing opencats database and restore afterwards? we're planning to upgrade our server where our opencats is installed but cannot proceed since we dont have idea how we can back this up and restore after our database. hope you can help us on this matter. thanks

very simple to do;

just backup the opencats directory - so just tar up the directory or rsync it over to your new server. it's probably /var/www/htdocs/opencats/

also backup the sql database..mysqldump -u root -p <your database name>

then copy them both over to your new server. Easiest if you create mysql username and password on the new server so it matches the old done.

restore the directory to the same location - make sure the owner and group is set to the right one for your webserver, then import the sql file to the opencats database.
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nice work. بادل