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By dmcman73
Currently a candidate can enter alot of info (Name, address, EEO info, etc) on the career portal and it will all show up in the Candidates profile on the backed for a hiring manager to see.

Can we add additional text boxes into the form as well? I am not talking about using Extra Fields as that just creates additional entries on the candidate profile.

On the Candidate Details page there are fields labeled "Date Available", "Desired Pay" and "Current Pay". Is there a way to insert an input field on the Career portal so that a candidate can enter that info themselves?

For example, on the career portal template there is a <input-firstname> in it where it will present an input box labeled "First Name" on the career portal. When the candidate fills that field out, it's automatically put into the database and shows up in the candidate details page. Are there inputs that can be setup for the "Date Available", "Desired Pay" and "Current Pay" like <input-DateAvailable>?

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By RussH

welcome to the fray :-)

Currently there's no option to add in these fields from the front-end, and presumably you'd want it through some kind of 'candidate profile maintenance view', too - so that they can be updated. That said, it doesn't appear to be a huge ask - so if this is a deal-breaker for your installation you can probably get a coder to amend the code for your site.

Finally - you may be able to use a standard questionnaire attached to jobs when candidates apply - and ask them those questions in there. you set them up through the admin/settings interface (note, only visible when you're logged in as an administrator).

I was actually looking to see what PHP or TPL files I needed to modify to add the extra fields so that it would write the value to the existing table.

Again, I know I can add the extra fields but, then I would have two places where "Desired Pay" would be in the Candidate Detail page (the original one and one that I would have created using the existing field).
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nice work. بادل