General discussion of OpenCATS

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I just want to mention that I spent a fair amount of time reviewing options for offsite CATS hosting. Regular website hosting won't do it because the resume parsing packages aren't typically installed in that environment, no root access, etc. A Virtual Private Server is the only thing that seemed like a possibility to me so CATS is hosted somewhere off site. I am a solo recruiter and don't particularly want to pay a lot on a monthly basis simply to have CATS hosted offsite. I eventually (through a Ubuntu blog I think) stubmled across who I now have my very own VPS (Virtual Private Server) through and my CATS installation running smooth as silk. It is $20/month which is about half the price of anything else I found and offers 12g of storage space...which will take me a hell of a long time to fill up. You can choose from a few different linux distros to put on it and can get CATS uploaded and running with minimal effort. I will attempt to write a step by step install guide in the near future and the current one just doesn't cut it for complete non-tech folks like myself.

Anyway...I hope this helps someone. Let me know if you have any questions. I don't get anything from's just the cheapest, functional option that I've found. could also use the SaaS that Cognizo offers too. They're pretty reasonably priced..just don't offer a ton of space for the money.
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Upgrading CATS 0.8 to 0.9.1

nice work. بادل