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A couple of questions:

1) I am having a problem with my Sphinx. After installing Sphinx_for_Cats on a Ubuntu server 8.10, and trying to search resumes, I get:

A fatal error has occurred.
Sphinx Error: Connection to localhost:3312 failed.

Has anyone got this before?

2) I also went and installed the latest version of Sphinx from and was trying to goof around with the sphinx.conf file to see if I could make it work. It seems like now cats is trying to use the new install, instead of the sphinx_for_cats...

Has anyone had any success in getting the latest version of Sphinx working?

if you're seeing connection failures to the sphinx service - just check if it's running first.

Not sure of the location of the binary - but probably
Code: Select all
myprompt> /etc/init.d/searchd status
You might want to check your firewall to ensure that you have that port open.

Finally - if you're playing with the config files themselves, you may want to check out the IBM Developerworks article on Sphinx; ... inxsearch/

...which explains some of the basic principles of Sphinx, and the syntax around getting it to work (in a sandbox environment of course)

Just getting Sphinx to run on its own has been a challenge. I haven't been successful in getting it to run - unless I ran the install program again... so I have just left it up.

My question:
in a previous post ... phands#p36 you referenced this article... ... nx:install

Has anyone used this tutorial for a ubuntu box? Helphand references its success on a SUSE box...
Since I have installed sphinx_for_cats, how much of that is already covered? ... cron jobs, etc...

At this point, I just have to get it to load on boot. (reading up on that now)...
Hiya Allan,

just installed version - which is the latest stable version apparently. All seemed to go fine. Need any pointers?
PHP version

PHP is a versatile and widely-used server-side s[…]

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eggy car Actually, the problem should have[…]

Upgrading CATS 0.8 to 0.9.1

nice work. بادل