General discussion of OpenCATS

Moderators: RussH, cptr13

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By Guest123
Hello, I have some questions regarding working with OpenCATS.

How can I modify (add/remove) fields on the "apply to position" tab? For example, I don't need the "4. Additional Information" field at all. Or I want to make the phone number input field mandatory for applicants, and so on.

Do you plan to optimize OpenCATS for mobile devices? The vacancy page and all other pages look good only on a computer, but nowadays there is a lot of traffic coming from mobile devices, and users find it inconvenient to view the vacancy page and fill in the necessary fields when applying.

Do you support automatic posting of vacancies on various job boards? How can I find out which job boards are supported by OpenCATS? Where can I see an up-to-date list?

How can I set up automatic posting of vacancies on job boards? Can you explain step-by-step how to do this from both my website and the job board's side? I couldn't find any information on this topic, except for a forum discussion (, which is not enough. If possible, could you show an example of at least one job board?
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By RussH
Additional fields can be created in the admin section (settings/admin/customize additional fields)
Default fields cannot be removed, but if you're adamant you don't want to see them, you can remove them from the webpage so you don't see them - i.e. amend the code for the candidate view in /modules/candidates/candidatesUI.tpl so they aren't shown.

The careers portal template is CSS so if you want to change the look and feel, or optimize for mobile then you can use the built-in editor, or add new CSS in the backend directly

Automatic posting of job vacancies? Not as such - an XML feed is used which can be used for Indeed, Google Jobs, etc, etc. No list of what sites will accept an XML feed - but it's easy enough to check a target site yourself for that info. You can build a new template for a specific site and add it into /modules/xml/xml_templates .

The Indeed feed is the default template used, and you can see here how to submit the XML feed ... -employer/

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