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We recently installed Opencats 9.4 and in the middle of testing the application before launching it to our users/recruiters. BTW, so far our experience has been great and it is a great product!!!

We post jobs on Dice, Indeed, Career Builder etc. and we are planning to use the "Apply URL" functionality that is available on these job boards so when the user clicks on the Apply button on the posting, the user will land on the "Applying to: Position Title" page on our Opencats' Careers website. The user will click on Browse and upload the resume, fill the required fields and submit the resume for that particular position. We normally post the same position on all the job boards and is there a way to track in OpenCats where the resume came from? E.g. Did it come from DICE or Indeed etc.?

Matter of fact, it is a requirement from that we have a tracking capability with in our ATS for them to enable the Apply URL functionality. They are asking us to provide a "Tracking Token". Help needed please!!!
Hi peerats,

sorry right now that's somethign we don;t offer - can you log it as a feature request in please?

Note that for sending a job feed to multiple job boards, we'd normally recommend you send an XML feed rather than posting manually to multiple sites. Opencats can format 'per site' XML feeds so this may provide what Indeed needs.
It can be done. I track that.

Settings--> Administration-->Customize Extra Fields

Add Field to candidates

Name: "Resume Source" Type: Dropdown List
Click Add field

Click Add option to "Resume Source"

Type the option name (Dice, Careerbuilder, etc)
Click Add Field.

Click Save at the bottom
Thanks! Yes that is exactly how I have configured it. However, if a candidate is responding/submitting resume through career portal your recommendation will not work because the selection can only be done by the recruiter and not the candidate that is submitting the resume. In order for the recruiter to select the source the recruiter would have to know. It works best if the recruiter is adding the candidate. Since we receive the resume through the career portal, Currently there is no provision/field available on the "Application page" of the career portal for the candidate to select. So a field needs to be added as *required with drop down and the admin should be able to configure the values for the drop down(Dice, Monster etc.). Alternatively, would it be possible for the system to track automa(gic)tically the source (maybe domain name) based on the URL from which the candidate landed on the application page?
Has any more come of this?
I am facing exactly the same difficulty.
It is helpful to have an XML feed to Indeed and others, but has anyone yet integrated openCATS with Indeed Apply ?( - or could you help me try?
We just need to streamline the arrival of candidates into openCATS from their applications on third-party job boards (starting with Indeed).

I hope someone can help.

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