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By aschalund

I am new to open cats and making my way through configuring and customizing sections of this ATS. I was curious if anyone knows of a simple way to make jobs public by default? This way we would need to uncheck the box if we dont want it public.

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By RussH
aschalund wrote:Hello,

I am new to open cats and making my way through configuring and customizing sections of this ATS. I was curious if anyone knows of a simple way to make jobs public by default? This way we would need to uncheck the box if we dont want it public.

Hiya, sorry this is slightly contrary to how the app assumes you work, but there will indeed be a default setting in the code someplace which you'll just have to flip.. I can't guarantee I'll track it down for you, as am slightly busy - but I can take a look back later.
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By RussH

okay, in this file;


The default for $isPublic on line 417 is false. Please change it to true for your instance.

$isPublic = false;

change to

$isPublic = true;
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By RussH
pasban wrote:I pick the file, and select "comma separated" and Next, and I see the progress animation, but nothing else.
Hi there - assuming this isn't spam - can you move this to a new thread please.
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nice work. بادل